Castle Thompson

Thursday, July 02, 2009

test post

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Nothing makes you feel as worthless as finding out how much you're worth. And I'm not talking about that crap about how much a stay at home mother is worth cause that's crap. No offense to the moms out there, but we don't do all those jobs full time, or even part time with the finesse and skill that a professional in that profession would.
Sorry, it's true.
So of course money's tight.
It always is.
So I started doing some in home childcare. I get paid by the state to watch the kids of an unemployed mom while she job hunts, and eventually once she starts working.
I get paid in "units" one unit being 5 hours. So in a regular day of child care, I would get paid for 2 units, at about $8 per unit per kid.
That's about $30 a day for watching, feeding, playing with, entertaining and protecting 2 children.

Which sucks.

I should be worth more.
But I'm not.

And I would just say "screw it" but that $30/day is $150/ week and $600/month.

And that's $600 more than I have now.

Until the older one goes back to school, then it's only $480 a month.....and that sucks even more.

Nothing makes you feel as worthless as finding out how much you're worth. And I'm not talking about that crap about how much a stay at home mother is worth cause that's crap. No offense to the moms out there, but we don't do all those jobs full time, or even part time with the finesse and skill that a professional in that profession would.
Sorry, it's true.
So of course money's tight.
It always is.
So I started doing some in home childcare. I get paid by the state to watch the kids of an unemployed mom while she job hunts, and eventually once she starts working.
I get paid in "units" one unit being 5 hours. So in a regular day of child care, I would get paid for 2 units, at about $8 per unit per kid.
That's about $30 a day for watching, feeding, playing with, entertaining and protecting 2 children.

Which sucks.

I should be worth more.
But I'm not.

And I would just say "screw it" but that $30/day is $150/ week and $600/month.

And that's $600 more than I have now.

Until the older one goes back to school, then it's only $480 a month.....and that sucks even more.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I went to visit Dr Criswell today to have 2 cavities filled and a wisdom tooth pulled.
I was terrified.
Last week when I went to have my check up and cleaning done I actually cried. Yeah- I'm a wimp. The nerve jangling scraping, probing and poking is just too much for me. The poor assistant went to "check on my x-rays" so I could relax. It was that bad.

So today I was so nervous. I didn't eat all day---my nerves were shot and it was showing in my body--the details aren't important and you don't wanna know.

I go in--he checks things out, and shoots me full of novicaine. Then he leaves me with the nurse (what are the nice girls at the dentist? Nurses? Dentistettes?) and a People magazine for it to kick in.
When he came back I was just as nervous as before, but know that it's about to happen...I want to RUN.
He starts tapping and poking and proding---I am numb- thankfully. But I know that it's only a bit of drilling before he hits my nerve and I'm over the edge. I start spelling the Lord's Prayer. Yeah---spelling. It's easier to distract yourself when you have to keep track of which letter you're on...the words weren't enough.
Anyway (I'm still loopy on endorphins---you'll have to follow me) Dr Criswell starts in on my "surface cavity" and it just won't end. He tells me I have to have a root canal or pull it. I decide on the root canal. So he's drilling, and I'm spelling---and he says "Huh...that's weird" My tooth was fine...a deep cavity, but there was a floor (I dunno) and it turned out that I didn't need the root canal after all. Power of prayer...even if it's spelled. Thanks God.
So he filled my fillings (It's like I'm drunk here)

pulled the wisdom tooth (easy---like childbirth--and no that's not sarcasm--it was easy) and I walked out smiling.

He's a Ninja.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Thompson House Rules

1. Do what you’re told when you’re told.
This is rule number one, because I hate repeating myself, and I refuse to ask and ask and ask and badger and threaten and demmand and yell and cajole my kids to do something before they actually do it.

2. Don’t lie.
Yeah...this one is easy to understand, and they're all pretty good about it.

3. Clean up the mess you make.
This is actual messy mess messes, and the other, personal, emotional messes...apologise, hug and make good again.

4. Do what’s right.
This is the catchall meant to cover almost everything. And for the most part, it does (but I have good easy kids)

5. No whining
Whining is very annoying, and entirely non-productive. We use this one alot.

At first, we just had the 5, but as needs arose, we had to add more....

6. No pouting.
This one is Henry's...when he couldn't whine anymore, he started pouting. Nipped that in the bud.

7. No Fighting.
We quickly realised that this wasn't really covered anywhere. Argue, dissagree-- Yes--fight? No.

8. Be happy.
This one is for my Emma. She's a bit of a drama queen and very melodramatic. Sullen for no reason is not acceptable in my world.

9. No jumping on the furniture
Yeah...this is why we have a trampoline in the backyard.

10. No annoying people on purpose.
Again...easy to see why this one had to be put in here. Also known as "don't make itch"

They're good rules, and cover almost everything that comes up in our daily doings. Plus I have the luxury of offering a gentle "Emma, numbers 6 and 8 sweetie." Instead of having to screech "Emma! Would you stop pouting and grumoing around?! You're being a BRAT!!!"

A little more polite....which is my goal.

That and take over the world.

Thompson House Rules

1. Do what you’re told when you’re told.
This is rule number one, because I hate repeating myself, and I refuse to ask and ask and ask and badger and threaten and demmand and yell and cajole my kids to do something before they actually do it.

2. Don’t lie.
Yeah...this one is easy to understand, and they're all pretty good about it.

3. Clean up the mess you make.
This is actual messy mess messes, and the other, personal, emotional messes...apologise, hug and make good again.

4. Do what’s right.
This is the catchall meant to cover almost everything. And for the most part, it does (but I have good easy kids)

5. No whining
Whining is very annoying, and entirely non-productive. We use this one alot.

At first, we just had the 5, but as needs arose, we had to add more....

6. No pouting.
This one is Henry's...when he couldn't whine anymore, he started pouting. Nipped that in the bud.

7. No Fighting.
We quickly realised that this wasn't really covered anywhere. Argue, dissagree-- Yes--fight? No.

8. Be happy.
This one is for my Emma. She's a bit of a drama queen and very melodramatic. Sullen for no reason is not acceptable in my world.

9. No jumping on the furniture
Yeah...this is why we have a trampoline in the backyard.

10. No annoying people on purpose.
Again...easy to see why this one had to be put in here. Also known as "don't make itch"

They're good rules, and cover almost everything that comes up in our daily doings. Plus I have the luxury of offering a gentle "Emma, numbers 6 and 8 sweetie." Instead of having to screech "Emma! Would you stop pouting and grumoing around?! You're being a BRAT!!!"

A little more polite....which is my goal.

That and take over the world.

Thompson House Rules

1. Do what you’re told when you’re told.
This is rule number one, because I hate repeating myself, and I refuse to ask and ask and ask and badger and threaten and demmand and yell and cajole my kids to do something before they actually do it.

2. Don’t lie.
Yeah...this one is easy to understand, and they're all pretty good about it.

3. Clean up the mess you make.
This is actual messy mess messes, and the other, personal, emotional messes...apologise, hug and make good again.

4. Do what’s right.
This is the catchall meant to cover almost everything. And for the most part, it does (but I have good easy kids)

5. No whining
Whining is very annoying, and entirely non-productive. We use this one alot.

At first, we just had the 5, but as needs arose, we had to add more....

6. No pouting.
This one is Henry's...when he couldn't whine anymore, he started pouting. Nipped that in the bud.

7. No Fighting.
We quickly realised that this wasn't really covered anywhere. Argue, dissagree-- Yes--fight? No.

8. Be happy.
This one is for my Emma. She's a bit of a drama queen and very melodramatic. Sullen for no reason is not acceptable in my world.

9. No jumping on the furniture
Yeah...this is why we have a trampoline in the backyard.

10. No annoying people on purpose.
Again...easy to see why this one had to be put in here. Also known as "don't make itch"

They're good rules, and cover almost everything that comes up in our daily doings. Plus I have the luxury of offering a gentle "Emma, numbers 6 and 8 sweetie." Instead of having to screech "Emma! Would you stop pouting and grumoing around?! You're being a BRAT!!!"

A little more polite....which is my goal.

That and take over the world.